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The Urban Collar Pet Services is an email or call away, let us know how we can help put smile on your faces.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried our best to answer a few questions frequently asked by our highly esteemed customers.

Making a reservation with TUC is easy! Simply visit our website and fill out our online booking form with your contact information, your pet's details, and your preferred dates and times. You can also give us a call directly, and one of our friendly team members will assist you in scheduling your pet's appointment.

At TUC, we offer a range of pet services tailored to meet the unique needs of your furry companion. Our services include dog walking, pet sitting, in-home grooming, and more. Whether your pet needs exercise, companionship, or pampering, we've got you covered!

Yes, we understand that emergencies can arise, and we strive to accommodate urgent appointments whenever possible. Please give us a call as soon as you can, and we'll do our best to schedule your pet's appointment as soon as possible.

Our staff at TUC are experienced and passionate pet lovers who are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for your furry friends. Each member of our team undergoes rigorous training in pet care, safety protocols, and customer service to ensure that your pet receives the best possible care during their time with us. Rest assured, your pet is in good hands with the TUC team!

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